Monday, December 21, 2015

Face Buttah (make like you're in Brooklyn for correct pronunciation)


Meet Your Face's New Besties

I just discovered these unassuming bubbelehs in the local Superpharm (an Israeli Shoppers Drug Mart for my Canadians or a cleaner, brighter and more high-end Rite Aid or Walgreens for my Americans if you will).  

Much like the gezundt- looking tomato on the packaging  (because how else would a Jew market to fellow Jews other than with food?) your face does appear more taught, luminous and somewhat pleasantly plumpified almost instantaneously. Like a matzoh ball in schmaltzy chicken soup.

Not that you're aging, but who couldn't use a little help?
Better yet, the day cream boasts a respectable SPF 30. Dr. Fischer was clearly paying attention to #6 of yesterday's Ten Commandments of  Beauty post.   I "like"opene this product.

My vote for this cream and serum?  Schmear 'em.

You're welcome.

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