Sunday, December 20, 2015

Your Kosher-Style International Beauty Blog

Welcome to a shmorgasbord of all things beauty from the three countries where I have lived and nurtured my passion for makeup:  Canada, the US of A, and Israel.
Here's where I'll schmooze ad nauseum about beauty tips, trends, products, ideas, and of course post pics.
You'll think, oy! How does someone get so excited about makeup. It's a little much, no?
Yes, I've been known to say things such as: "I like too much." and "More is more". You're getting the picture.
I know you have shpilkes in your genektigizoink so without further ado, I present:

The Ten Commandments of Beauty:
1. Thou shalt know that beauty must start from within because no amount of makeup will help otherwise.
2. Thou shalt tend to your eyebrows in whatever way they require your attention. I'm speaking to you, all unibrow, shapeless, and sparse-browed gals (I am of the latter ilk). You know who you are. Please, don't make me repeat myself. Brows are the frame for your face.
3. Thou shalt never leave the house without mascara. For crying out loud! Do I have to explain this one? And I only mean black, of course. Otherwise looks like a funky conjunctivitis IMHO. Use other products to add a pop of colour. 
4. Thou shalt check for detritus (schmutz) in thy teeth. Nothing kills a fab makeup look more than a hunk of spinach in your chompers.
5. Thou shalt not smoke. Nuff said. 
6. Thou shalt wear sun protection of SPF 30 or higher. UVA and UVB broad-spectrum. The ozone layer looks like a bagel. Protect thyself even when it's cloudy.  Best anti-aging tip.
7.  Thou shalt moisturize religiously.
8.  Thou shalt not ignore unwanted facial hair. Please, ladies, we see it.
9.  Thy lipstick is thy friend. Colour is on your side here.
10. Treat thy neighbour as thyself. Pass along any beauty advice to those who you care about.  Friends don't let friends do bad beauty.



  1. AMEN!
    (detritus in the mouth is such an unfortunate condition )

  2. so funny. But really if one has no upper lip to speak of, can lipstick really help? ;)

  3. Replies
    1. Yes, lipstick really can help no matter what your lip size, my friend. But two important words to the wise: Lip. Liner. A must for the smaller-lipped crowd and so many other populations of lips.

  4. U are too funny!! Luv it!
